


Disuseful: Adjective

  1. Having the quality of being intended for usefulness but being quite the opposite. Poorly engineered software and bureaucratic mazes are often disuseful examples of organization, but can rather exemplify chaos theory.
  2. Being more hassle than help. 
  3. The use of Disuseful implies disingenuity, meaning something that is disuseful is generally caused by poor thought process, lack of concern for real outcome, or simple stupidity. 


Related Words: 

Disusefulness- Noun form

Disusefully - Adverb form



  • "I went to use the million dollar machine built to help me sort eggs better but found it disuseful as it broke most of them."
  • "When I heard the newly formed tea party was going to reshape government as we know it, I had to wonder if it was going to be more disuseful than what we already had and was merely a smokescreen to put its own people back in power with no real interest in the idea of 'America'."
  • "He rated the program an F with disusefulness being its main characteristic, failing to achieve its most rudimentary objectives."
  • "He disusefully included spurious points into the discussion. Probably to obfuscate the fact he did not have a clear grasp of the subject at hand."


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